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Dr. Goldstein receives Prestigious Clarkson Award

Dr. Steven R. Goldstein, Menopause Specialist NYC,  is the recipient of the North American Menopause Society's 2016 Thomas B. Clarkson Award. The award is for life time achievement in menopause research and is mainly related to his work in transvaginal ultrasound and SERMs (the estrogen alternative). Click on the link below to view the Society's announcement of their awards. NAMS Prestigious Thomas B Clarkson Award...

Comment on NY Times article entitled “Birth Control Via App Gains Quiet Foothold”

In yesterday's New York Times there was a front-page article entitled "Birth Control Via App Gains Quiet Foothold". I am compelled to comment. I acknowledge that the problem of unintended pregnancy in this country is huge. It is estimated that as many as 50% of births are "unintended", or I guess that means "unplanned." Fortunately, that is not even close to true in my practice. You see, guidelines are created as health policy and are intended for populations. I prefer healthcare that is indiv...

Comment on New York Times article entitled “Bone drugs shunned for fear of side effects”

A recent New York Times article entitled "Bone drugs shunned for fear of side effects", is an excellent article written by the well known medical writer Gina Kolata. This is important information for all of my patients whether they are already at the age where bone loss and risk of osteoporotic fracture is present or, if considerably younger, concerns about bone health for themselves or their loved ones should be still on their minds going forward. By way of background statistics: more women in...