Misconceptions About Low Dose Birth Control Pills From Dr Steven R. Goldstein, NYC Gyn There are many misconceptions about Low Dose Birth Control Pills. When Dr. Goldstein was a medical student, pills came in 80 and 50 microgram strengths of estrogen. By the time he was a resident, they were 50 and 35 micrograms. Most of his career, they have been 35, 30, 25 and 20 micrograms. Now they make a 10 microgram. However, the lowest doses are not always the best choice for women under thirty. Often ...
Dr Steven R. Goldstein is a Menopause Specialist in NYC and one of the nation’s leading gynecologists. In private practice for over 25 years, Dr Goldstein has treated many patients with early menopause, and is a specialist for Premature Ovarian Failure and Premature Ovarian Insufficiency. A co- author of the book “The Estrogen Alternative”, he is the first hormone specialist in NYC to write about Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) for the relief of menopausal symptoms which a...
Dr Steven R. Goldstein, Gynecologist for Endometriosis in NYC What is Endometriosis? Dr Steven R. Goldstein is a NYC Gynecologist and specialist for Endometriosis in NYC. Endometriosis is an all too common gynecologic condition where the glands that lie inside the uterine cavity can come to lie outside the uterus in the pelvis. When the endometrial glands bleed (that is a period) these glands located outside the uterus bleed as well. This can cause some scar tissue. If there is a collection ...