Maintaining Bone Health In today's New York Times Science Section, there is an excellent article by Jane Brody entitled, "Fear of Drugs' Hazards may Put Bones at Risk." She reiterates a problem that I have seen evolving in clinical practice over the last several years. As the reimbursement for performing bone density tests had gotten so low that many facilities (including ours) could not stay open without losing money, the number of bone density tests being ordered nationwide has declined sharp...
Last week a story broke in the News media about an article that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine entitled, "Contemporary Hormonal Contraception and the Risk of Breast Cancer." I received a number of queries about this news story and told patients that I needed to see the original article itself and spend a good deal of time dissecting the "fine print." It is a very long and complicated article but let me make the following observations: It was a study done on a registry of Dan...
In yesterday's New York Times Science section, there was an extremely interesting article entitled, "Researchers Track an Unlikely Culprit in Weight Gain." It has been known for quite some time that estrogen promotes lean body mass. At menopause, women no longer make estrogen and many patients experience the upsetting phenomenon of developing redistribution of weight to the abdomen; in medical terms known as "centripetal adiposity," or what it says in the article, turning women from "pears" to "...
On the front page of today's New York Times there is an article entitled, "Longtime Foes of Birth Control Unravel Policy." The article really follows two distinct pathways. One involves a Mr. Matthew Bowman, a lawyer in the Department of Health and Human Services, who is pursuing the legal aspects of not allowing contraception to all patients as part of the Affordable Care Act. Certain conservative groups have pursued attempts to force businesses not to cover contraception on a religious...
This is the current issue of the journal OBG Management and, as you can see, the cover story is by Dr. Goldstein. It is an update in bone health specifically addressing calcium supplements and their role in cardiovascular disease. In 2001 a National Institutes of Health (NIH) consensus panel on osteoporosis concluded that calcium intake is indeed crucial to maintain bone mass and should be maintained at 1,000-1,500 mg/day in older adults. That panel felt that the majority of older adults were n...
Dr. Steven R. Goldstein, Menopause Specialist NYC, is the recipient of the North American Menopause Society's 2016 Thomas B. Clarkson Award. The award is for life time achievement in menopause research and is mainly related to his work in transvaginal ultrasound and SERMs (the estrogen alternative). Click on the link below to view the Society's announcement of their awards. NAMS Prestigious Thomas B Clarkson Award...
In yesterday's New York Times there was a front-page article entitled "Birth Control Via App Gains Quiet Foothold". I am compelled to comment. I acknowledge that the problem of unintended pregnancy in this country is huge. It is estimated that as many as 50% of births are "unintended", or I guess that means "unplanned." Fortunately, that is not even close to true in my practice. You see, guidelines are created as health policy and are intended for populations. I prefer healthcare that is indiv...
A recent New York Times article entitled "Bone drugs shunned for fear of side effects", is an excellent article written by the well known medical writer Gina Kolata. This is important information for all of my patients whether they are already at the age where bone loss and risk of osteoporotic fracture is present or, if considerably younger, concerns about bone health for themselves or their loved ones should be still on their minds going forward. By way of background statistics: more women in...
Dr Steven R. Goldstein, a Menopause Specialist in NYC, is interviewed by Dr Max Gomez of CBS regarding the link between the age at Menopause and Depression. ...
On 9/21/2015 Dr. Goldstein was interviewed by Dr. Max Gomez on CBS. As many of you are already aware, our Bone Density and Body Composition unit has a new program using the Dexa machine (which uses less radiation than flying on an airplane) to perform Body Composition tests. This innovative test reports your metabolic health based on your percentage of body fat, sex, and age. This method is far more accurate than using the BMI calculation that is outdated and not a sufficient measure of meta...