Looking to 2021

Dear Patients,

Usually I send these email blasts in response to some medical news article that needs “fine tuning.” But at this time of year I, like many of you, reflect on the year past and the year ahead. I need not tell any of you how overwhelmingly surreal the circumstances of the past 10 months have been. The hardships of this pandemic medically, emotionally, and economically are truly a once in a century occurrence. No one has been left untouched, although obviously some much more than others.

At the height of the pandemic our floor at NYU was closed from March 20 to May 4. Realizing the magnitude of the situation, I decided to close one week earlier and delayed reopening an extra week after. For those of you who have expressed concern, our gynecology office in NYC is not in “the hospital” but merely a doctors office building physically two blocks from Tisch Hospital and four blocks from the new Kimmel Pavilion.

I have seen or spoken to many many of you. But too many others have begun to “fall through the cracks”, some out of fear of coming in. As I write this the test positivity rate in our ZIP Code is 2.39%, and although it seems inevitable that this will rise some, the Eastside of Manhattan remains one of the safest places in the country. Yes, the vaccine is coming. It is being given to healthcare workers and staff as you read this. It is unclear when it will reach the majority of you. I implore you, if you have any qualms,PLEASE take this vaccine when it is offered. I did. It is extremely safe,especially in light of the potential severity of the disease it protects against.

In closing, if your care in our office is overdue, call us. We employ extreme measures to keep you safe. Much has been written about the increase in non-Covid medical problems because of delay in diagnosis out of fear on the part of patients. Don’t let that happen to you.

Hoping 2021 will be a better year for all of us.

This post was last modified on August 3, 2022 3:58 pm