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Ultrasound in Gynecology Second Edition

Ultrasound in Gynecology Second Edition

Widely considered the standard title on the subject, this book focuses primarily on gynecologic ultrasound. The second edition has expanded content to keep you up-to-date on the technological and clinical changes in this rapidly evolving field, including Sonohysterography (Ch 15) . An invaluable resource for clinicians and technicians alike, this preeminent reference is one you shouldn’t be without.

  • Focuses primarily on gynecologic ultrasound.
  • Reflects recent changes in ultrasound technology and its effects on current practice.
  • Designed to be clinically oriented, user friendly, and completely readable.
  • Discusses new developments in sonohysterography.
  • Includes new chapters on Ovarian Cancer Early Detection (Ch 18), Congenital Uterine Anomalies (Ch 7), Differential Diagnosis of Inflammatory Diseases of the Pelvis (Ch 21), Adenomysis (Ch 6) and Three Dimensional Ultrasound in Gynecology (Ch 19).
  • Now offers Power Doppler ultrasound.