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Contemporary Hormonal Contraception and the Risk of Breast Cancer

Last week a story broke in the News media about an article that appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine entitled, "Contemporary Hormonal Contraception and the Risk of Breast Cancer." I received a number of queries about this news story and told patients that I needed to see the original article itself and spend a good deal of time dissecting the "fine print." It is a very long and complicated article but let me make the following observations: It was a study done on a registry of Dan...

Longtime foes of birth control unravel policy

  On the front page of today's New York Times there is an article entitled, "Longtime Foes of Birth Control Unravel Policy." The article really follows two distinct pathways. One involves a Mr. Matthew Bowman, a lawyer in the Department of Health and Human Services, who is pursuing the legal aspects of not allowing contraception to all patients as part of the Affordable Care Act. Certain conservative groups have pursued attempts to force businesses not to cover contraception on a religious...