An article on the front page of the New York Times was entitled “FDA is Wary of Lengthy Use of Bone Drugs”. Many of my patients or else members of their family may be taking medication to help reduce osteoporotic fracture. Some of these women are on drugs mentioned in this article and other women are not. Such information may be confusing and frightening to many patients and so I believe it is worthy of discussion in this space. (more…)...
Recently, there has been a lot of medical attention vis-a-vis calcium, and to a lesser extent, Vitamin D. Many patients are confused, hence this post. Make no mistake – calcium and vitamin D are crucial for healthy bone. The current recommendation is for 1000mg of elemental Calcium for women up to age 50 and 1200 mg for women above age 50. I have been telling my patients for years that you are best off getting your calcium from diet. Some evidence suggest that calcium supplements may...