An article in the Science Section of last week’s New York Times mandates sending this out. The article was entitled, “Popular but not very effective.” The subtitle was, “Cardiovascular supplements and diets do little for hearts.” It was a relatively extensive article about a number of popular supplements and different diets based on research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, which reviewed data from hundreds of clinical trials involving almost one million people. Obvio...
In yesterday's New York Times there was a front-page article entitled "Birth Control Via App Gains Quiet Foothold". I am compelled to comment. I acknowledge that the problem of unintended pregnancy in this country is huge. It is estimated that as many as 50% of births are "unintended", or I guess that means "unplanned." Fortunately, that is not even close to true in my practice. You see, guidelines are created as health policy and are intended for populations. I prefer healthcare that is indiv...
A recent New York Times article entitled "Bone drugs shunned for fear of side effects", is an excellent article written by the well known medical writer Gina Kolata. This is important information for all of my patients whether they are already at the age where bone loss and risk of osteoporotic fracture is present or, if considerably younger, concerns about bone health for themselves or their loved ones should be still on their minds going forward. By way of background statistics: more women in...
Dr Steven R. Goldstein, a Menopause Specialist in NYC, is interviewed by Dr Max Gomez of CBS regarding the link between the age at Menopause and Depression. ...
On 9/21/2015 Dr. Goldstein was interviewed by Dr. Max Gomez on CBS. As many of you are already aware, our Bone Density and Body Composition unit has a new program using the Dexa machine (which uses less radiation than flying on an airplane) to perform Body Composition tests. This innovative test reports your metabolic health based on your percentage of body fat, sex, and age. This method is far more accurate than using the BMI calculation that is outdated and not a sufficient measure of meta...
07/07/2015 There is an extremely interesting article on the front page of today’s New York Times entitled, “Colorado Finds Startling Success in Effort to Curb Teenage Births.” The article talks about a private grant that allowed free IUDs or subdermal implants to prevent pregnancy that was a six-year experiment in Colorado. During this period of time, the birth rate among teenagers plunged 40% and the rate of abortions fell by 42%. Apparently, this was most evident in unmarried women unde...
03/24/2015 I am writing to you from Orlando where the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) is having its annual meeting. I am the current president of this 10,000-member society and as most of you know I wrote the second book ever on transvaginal ultrasound and the first book on gynecological ultrasound. Today's news about Angelina Jolie's decision to remove her ovaries necessitates that once again I send you, my patients, an email blast. Some important facts; first Angelina Jo...
03/18/2015 Once again, there is an article on the front page of the NY Times, which I feel mandates some commentary by me. And once again, I have gone back to the original article, which appears in the current issue of JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) rather than just the NY Times rendition and summary of it. The article is entitled “Diagnostic Concordance Among Pathologists Interpreting Breast Biopsy Specimens.” In the first place, you should all feel very comfortable an...
2/17/2015 In today’s NY Times a story on the front page has the headline “Up To 14 Years of Hot Flashes Found in Menopause Study”. I agree totally. In my years of practice I have had many patients, some who resist therapy, and some unable to get off Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) who have symptoms even longer than that! I went to the original article published yesterday in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). This is still another report from a study called SWAN (Stu...
3/13/2014 Some of you may have seen an article on the front page of the business section of the New York Times today entitled “FDA Panel Recommends Replacement for the Pap Test.” Understand that this is simply an Advisory Committee to the FDA and this recommendation may or may not be adopted by the FDA itself. Furthermore, as pointed out in the article, this does not mean that various societies like the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists will automatically change their guid...