
More Medical News – Calcium and Cardiovascular health

I am not trying to bombard you with email blasts, but an article in the Science Section of last week’s…

Interesting Article

Dear Patients, I thought you might be interested in this article from the weekend, in which Dr. Goldstein is quoted.…

Dr Goldstein on Doctor radio

Dear Patients, I am writing to tell you that Dr. Goldstein will be on Doctor Radio (Sirius XM Satellite Radio…

Foods and their Calcium content

Woops! As promised in yesterday's email message, here is the list of foods and their calcium content. Click here to…

Comment on front-page article entitled “Birth Control Via App Gains Quiet Foothold”

In yesterday's New York Times there was a front-page article entitled "Birth Control Via App Gains Quiet Foothold". I am…

Comment on New York Times article entitled “Bone drugs shunned for fear of side effects”

A recent New York Times article entitled "Bone drugs shunned for fear of side effects", is an excellent article written…

CBS interviews Dr. Goldstein in regards to the link between the age at menopause and depression.

What is your true metabolic health?

09/24/2015 On 9/21/2015 Dr. Goldstein was interviewed by Dr. Max Gomez on CBS. As many of you are already aware, our…

Another Front Page Article in Today’s New York Times

07/07/2015 There is an extremely interesting article on the front page of today’s New York Times entitled, “Colorado Finds Startling…

A Message About Today’s News Concerning Ovarian Cancer and Angelina Jolie

03/24/2015 I am writing to you from Orlando where the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) is having its…