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When Should Your Daughter First Visit the Gynecologist?

9/16/2013 Lately it seems that I have had a large number of patients with daughters “coming of age”. As a result I am recycling something I wrote a while back but may be even more pertinent today. When should your daughter first visit the gynecologist? I love to be a teenager’s first gynecologist.  It does not have to be a traumatic experience.  A positive first visit will ensure that she is not “ruined” as a gynecologic patient.  Even if her next several doctors in a row are rou...

Fixing the Miscommunications of Non-Cancers

7/30/2013 The lead story in today’s New York Times, on the right hand column of Page One, is entitled “Scientists Urge Narrower Rules to Define Cancer”. The main thesis of the article, which chronicles a study published yesterday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, is something I have been saying to many of you for quite some number of years. Perhaps the following anecdote will underscore the issue: Several years ago a patient came to me for a routine visit. When I asked...

Breast Cancer Prevention: What the NY Times Got Wrong

04/16/2013 In today’s New York Times (Tuesday April 16, 2013) there’s an article by Denise Grady which reports recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) who published a draft form of their recommendations for public comment concerning the drugs raloxifene (Evista) and tamoxifen (Nolvadex). As many of you are aware, I have published extensively on these drugs and participated in studies for both. Tamoxifen has been used for several decades, initially for ...


Many of you may have seen the article in the New York Times and other news media outlets relative to the breast cancer drug tamoxifen. As many of you know, I was involved in the STAR trial which compared tamoxifen and raloxifene for breast cancer prevention. Much of my academic work has been involved in the ultrasound appearance of the uterus in patients receiving tamoxifen therapy. I've had a long standing interest in the treatment of estrogen receptor positive breast cancers and selective...