
Fertility decline, freezing eggs: myths and realitiesFertility decline, freezing eggs: myths and realities

Fertility decline, freezing eggs: myths and realities

Fertility decline, freezing eggs: myths and realities In last week's New York Times, just before the holiday weekend, there was…

Contemporary Hormonal Contraception and the Risk of Breast CancerContemporary Hormonal Contraception and the Risk of Breast Cancer

Contemporary Hormonal Contraception and the Risk of Breast Cancer

Last week a story broke in the News media about an article that appeared in the New England Journal of…

Comments on Long Acting Reversible ContraceptionComments on Long Acting Reversible Contraception

Comments on Long Acting Reversible Contraception

07/07/2015 There is an extremely interesting article on the front page of today’s New York Times entitled, “Colorado Finds Startling…