Below is Part II of our series of articles on Uterine Fibroids. Another extremely important issue is that true fibroids have NO malignant potential. Years and years ago they thought that a very small number (less than 1%) could undergo malignant transformation. This does not occur. There are rare malignant tumors of uterine muscle known as sarcomas. These are almost always solitary rather than multiple and, when examined with color flow Doppler ultrasound technology looking at blood flow, will...
Dr Steven R. Goldstein, an abnormal uterine bleeding specialist in NYC comments on a NY Times article on uterine cancer. In last weekend’s NY Times, there was a front-page article entitled, “Uterine cancer rapidly rising, especially among Black women.” Although the rates in Black women have risen the most, the rates of uterine cancer in all women have gone up steadily to the point where it is soon expected to replace colon cancer as the third most common cancer in women and is rapidly a...
Last week, Jane Brody, in her column, wrote about screening for breast cancer and early detection with mammograms as well as the confusion about who should get mammograms and at what frequency. This week, as the second of a two-part series, her article is entitled, “How to Reduce Breast Cancer Threat.” Much of what she writes about is absolutely true and not necessarily new. The relationship of alcohol to breast cancer is well known, although, moderate consumption of wine seems to res...
There was an article in yesterday’s New York Times by Jane Brody entitled, “Older Women, Mammograms and Confusion.” I’ve always enjoyed reading Jane Brody as I usually find her to be extremely on point and accurate. However, I found this article to be exactly as the title implies – confusing. I agree with her that one cannot go by the recommendation of various Societies because they are conflicting. The United States Preventative Services Task Force, which, I believe, in many other d...
To my patients, As you know I usually email you with a response to something Gynecologic that has appeared in the news. This is somewhat different. The following was written by Dr Lisa Larkin, an internist in Cinncinnati who is a colleague and a very good friend. Recently (finally) she was elected to the Board of the North American Menopause Society (as most of you know I was President of that Society) and is a speaker on relevant internal medicine topics at the course I co-direct "Surviv...
As most of you are aware, I usually send these email blasts in response to medical articles that appear in the news, and most often, The New York Times. This is an example where, almost four months ago, I alerted my patients to a rising problem of antibiotic resistance, mainly with urinary tract infection because physicians were failing to do appropriate cultures prior to initiating broad spectrum antibiotic use. In the July 14th New York Times, a front-page article was entitled, “As ...
Last week Dr. Goldstein received a great honor from the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine. He was presented with their highest award, known as the Joseph H. Holmes Clinical Pioneer Award recognizing his career long contributions to research and patient care in gynecologic ultrasound. It really reflects his commitment to the field and to his patients. On behalf of his whole staff here at the office, we are very proud of him. I want to share what they wrote with all of you. Josep...