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314 East 34th Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10016

Dr. Steven R. Goldstein MD, top gynecologist in New York, author, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at NYU School of Medicine.

Second Opinion on Gynecologic Surgery, Fibroid Surgery, Endometrial Biopsy, bleeding, thick uterine lining, hysterectomy

Doctor Steven R. Goldstein MD is a Past Chairman of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and available for a second opinion on gynecologic surgery, fibroid surgery, endometrial biopsy, bleeding conditions, thick uterine lining and hysterectomy.

Here is a testimonial from a patient who Dr Goldstein worked with to preserve an ovary instead of immediately resorting to surgery.

“I wanted to pass some ultrasound pictures along to Dr. Goldstein because I am so unbelievably grateful for the care he gave me. I really feel that if it weren’t for his treatment and care, I might not be as fortunate to be having a baby soon, another Dr might have taken my ovary but he worked so hard to preserve that and my fertility. I am 32 weeks and 2 days along now, due December 5th with a baby boy who is already 5 pounds and long! We’re both healthy and great! I will follow up with more pictures, but I wanted to share these, because I think about how lucky I am every day, and I owe it to Dr Goldstein. “

Ms. R


Why seek a second opinion on Gynecologic surgery?

Dr Goldstein’s research and experience has continually demonstrated that surgery is not always necessary, nor the best option. Instead many diagnoses are effectively treated through continued monitoring with ultrasounds and less-invasive methods such as sonohysterography or medication rather than surgery.

For instance, one of the chief complaints that brings women into a gynecologist’s office is abnormal bleeding. Every day in this country hundreds of women undergo Dilation and Curettage (D&C) for diagnosis when they could have a simple, painless procedure in their doctors’ offices instead.

How can Transvaginal Ultrasounds or Sonohysterograms eliminate the need for diagnostic surgery?

Transvaginal Ultrasound or Sonohysterography is an important tool to determine if surgery is truly necessary for women who have been diagnosed with a thick uterine lining (post-menopausal), abnormal uterine bleeding (pre and post-menopausal) or an ovarian cyst.

Dr. Goldstein uses a state of the art technique called Sonohysterography, which is virtually painless, to eliminate the need for diagnostic surgery in potentially 75% of the cases involving abnormal bleeding. His goal is to eliminate unnecessary trips to the Operating Room for women. Many of these women were recommended for surgery, biopsy or a D&C (dilation and curettage) by their primary care physician.

Here are some of the diagnoses where gynecologic surgery may not be the best option.

Thick Uterine Lining

Post-menopausal women diagnosed with a thick uterine lining are often automatically recommended for surgery, D&C or biopsy. Dr. Goldstein advocates for personal, customized care for each patient and her unique health needs and concerns. He performs transvaginal ultrasounds on women with thick uterine lining to determine if surgery is necessary or if continual monitoring with gynecological ultrasound and imaging is appropriate.

Uterine Fibroids

Many women are referred for fibroid surgery when they do not need it. Fibroids are easily visualized on transvaginal ultrasounds. What matters most is the fibroid’s location. For instance, very small fibroids that impinge on the uterine lining can cause pain and bleeding, while larger fibroids that grow outwards have no impact on bleeding and fertility.

True fibroids have no malignant potential (they will not become cancerous).

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Dr. Goldstein also works with women experiencing abnormal uterine bleeding. Treating each patient as an individual with unique health care needs, Dr. Goldstein again utilizes transvaginal ultrasound to determine the cause of abnormal bleeding, which could range from hormonal imbalance, uterine polyps to cancer. Once he has identified the cause, he recommends a personalized treatment plan.

Ovarian Cyst

Women told they have an ovarian cyst oftentimes have many questions and concerns. The common medical approach is often surgery. Dr. Goldstein’s non-invasive approach of utilizing ultrasound provides a better picture and more detail of the cyst without surgery or other invasive procedures. Ultrasounds provide information on cysts that help determine if it is benign or malignant. Looking at blood flow, appearance and other unique characteristics, Dr. Goldstein is able to identify the most appropriate treatment plan for patients.

What if I was recommended to have an Endometrial biopsy?

If you were recommended to have an endometrial biopsy as a first means of diagnosis, then do not. Opt to have a painless Transvaginal Ultrasound or Sonohysterogram first. Here is a video of Dr. Goldstein discussing the new standard of care which replaces blind endometrial biopsies.

If you are suffering from any of the above conditions and surgery or a biopsy has been recommended to you, then please click the appointment button below to schedule an appointment with Dr. Goldstein for a second opinion on your case.

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